15 January 2025 by Catherine Saxelby
Foodwatch has a new owner! Learn all about the Dietitian Catherine appointed to keep you up to date with the latest nutrition advice.
7 June 2023 by Catherine Saxelby
Many “health gurus” tout the benefits of coconut oil. Just type the term into any search engine and you’ll be flooded with...
10 May 2023 by Catherine Saxelby
What IS lecithin, I hear you ask. A popular “health food” supplement, lecithin is a type of fat called a phospholipid, which has...
3 May 2023 by Catherine Saxelby
As you probably know already, intermittent fasting (IF) has gained favour as an alternative regimen to daily caloric restriction...
19 April 2023 by Catherine Saxelby
What’s the first thing that strikes you when you walk into a fresh produce store? If you’re imagining the rainbow of colour…so...
15 March 2023 by Catherine Saxelby
What sort of a diet should you follow to lose that excess weight? These days, it’s pretty confusing with high-protein Keto...