Happy New Year! Are you ready to meet the New Year head on? Ready to lose those few extra kilos that the Christmas festivities inevitably sneak on? The January Foodwatch Newsletter is here to help. We’re reviewing 6 great Apps that will let you use your iPad, iPhone or SmartPhone to help you, but that's not all!
Losing weight and then maintaining a healthy weight is hard on your own. In the January Foodwatch Newsletter we review 6 Apps that will help you to measure your progress, assist you in eating healthy, nutritious foods, count your calories/kJ, track your exercise and more. Best of all they are all free!
In January's newsletter we also give you links to our most popular weight loss related posts on the Foodwatch website, plus our Product of the Month is an eBook that will help you take control of your cravings and stop you sabotaging your good intentions. Take a look.