Articles tagged with: oats

Overnight Oats – a super-convenient and healthy breakfast

19 April 2017 by Catherine Saxelby

Overnight Oats – a super-convenient and healthy breakfast

I’m loving the convenience of this quick made-in-a-jar method for breakfast oats. To me, the recipe sounds a lot like that old-fashioned Bircher muesli recipe that I still love - you soak a cup of rolled oats in milk in the fridge overnight then grate in a fresh apple along with chopped nuts and any other fresh fruit, like strawberries, blueberries or diced banana, just before serving in the morning.

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Which dairy milk substitute is right for you?

14 September 2016 by

Which dairy milk substitute is right for you?

Almond, rice, coconut, soy and oats are all used to make dairy milk substitutes. If you are lactose intolerant, have a milk allergy,...

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8 reasons why I love muesli

9 April 2014 by Catherine Saxelby

8 reasons why I love muesli

Muesli, aka granola, is a great example of a once-hippy alternative breakfast food that’s made the transition from health food...

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Read the July 2013 issue of the Foodwatch Newsletter now

16 July 2013 by Catherine Saxelby

Read the July 2013 issue of the Foodwatch Newsletter now

In this issue of The Foodwatch Newsletter we look at the role of oats in our diets and why they are one of my Top 20 “Super...

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Read the June 2013 issue of the Foodwatch Newsletter now

24 June 2013 by Catherine Saxelby

Read the June 2013 issue of the Foodwatch Newsletter now

This issue of the newsletter is devoted to a sneak preview of a book on ancient grains. I wrote the history and nutritional...

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Product Review: Oats Express Liquid Breakfast

20 June 2013 by Catherine Saxelby

Product Review: Oats Express Liquid Breakfast

Oats Express from Dairy Farmers is the dairy industry's response to the long-standing success of Sanitarium's UP&GO which has had...

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